The Nectar Of Book Distribution
15,90 € inkl. MwSt.
596 Seiten
with pictures
printed 1993 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Copyright © The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
Author: BBT Sankirtan Books
5 vorrätig
Be sure to add this beautifully published item to your devotional library!
This is a very unique inspirational book for the sankirtan devotees. If you want to become a sankirtana devotee, you will find it very helpful to learn about the philosophy, psychology and many different practical aspects of book-distribution from the first hands.
Above all that to read about such a topic of pure devotional service is pure nectar.
Hare Krishna!
“I am most concerned that these books of mine be printed profusely and distributed all over the world as each book has so much potency for making persons Krsna conscious”.
“I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana.”
“My desire is that you increase your book distribution more and more and be blessed by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu”.
This book is filled with encouraging statements of Srila Prabhupada about book distribution and its effects for individuals, groups, nations, universes….It is fullof bliss.
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